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Histology FAQ
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Histology FAQ
Verhoeff’s stain for myelin and elastin
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Question. Can Verhoeff's elastic tissue stain (iron hematoxylin with iodine)
Automated H&E staining problems
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Question. We are having a problem with our H &
Giemsa staining of blood smears: several hints
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Question. My methanol-fixed blood smears are not staining reliably with
Histochemical stain for arsenic
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Question. Is there a staining method for showing the presence
Effects of pH on staining by dyes
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Question. Many stains are acidified, but some are adjusted to
Mayer’s and Gill’s hematoxylins
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Question. I would like to know the differences between two
Malachite green in stain for Cryptosporidium
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Question. How do you do a malachite green stain for
Enzyme histochemistry on cell cultures
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Question. How do you perform enzyme histochemistry (NADH Dehydrogenase, succinic
Picro-sirius red staining
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Question. I have been asked to do a "picrosirius" staining
Microglia with Griffonia lectin
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Question. I have been trying to stain for microglia in
McFaydean’s stain for anthrax bacilli
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Question. What is M'Faydean's stain? Answer. [This has been put
Oxidants for hematoxylin
By admin | | 0 Comments |
Question. Can a less toxic oxidizing agent be substituted for
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