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Test for water in used absolute alcohol
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Question. How can I determine whether used "absolute" alcohol is
Xylene substitutes: what are they?
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Question. What are the various liquids sold as substitutes for
Paraffin wax: crystals, additives and cutting
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Question. What are the best polymers or other additives for
Cutting sections of toe or finger nails
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Question. Does anyone have a few hints for sectioning toenails?
Cryoprotection of specimens
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Question. Please recommend a way to protect formaldehyde-fixed mouse brains
Paraffin processing of skin
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Question. Could you suggest a processing schedule suitable for skin?
Mold release spray
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Question. Is there something you can spray into an embedding
Polymethyl methacrylate embedding for bone
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Question. Is it permissible to mix polymerized methyl methacrylate with
Fatty specimens: Processing into paraffin
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Question. What is the best way to paraffin-embed specimens that
Testing for completeness of decalcification
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Questions. How should I test for complete decalcification? Is the
Decalcification: Acid or EDTA?
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Questions. How should I decalcify a bony specimen or a
2-butoxyethanol (“Clereum”) dehydrating or clearing agent
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Question. What are the properties of Clereum? (The MSDS for