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H&E Staining Method and Protocol – Mayer’s
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Solutions and Reagents: Eosin-Phloxine B Solution:       Eosin Stock Solution:       Eosin
H&E Staining Method and Protocol – Harris
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Solutions and Reagents: 1% Acid Alcohol Solution (for differentiation):       Hydrochloric
Methods and Techniques for Frozen Tissue Sections
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Procedure Principal Factors for Good Sectioning of Frozen Specimens Recommended
Fixative Protocols and Recipes
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Formalin Solution (10%, unbuffered):       Formaldehyde (37-40%) ------------- ----10 ml
Decalcification Solutions for Bone
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Choose of decalcification solution will depend on the type of
Methods and Protocols for Decalcification of Bone Material
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Fixation: 10% Buffered Neutral Formalin for up to 5 days. All
Davidson’s Fixative Protocol
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Robert S. Richmond, M.D., F.C.A.P. Pathologist, USA Principle: Davidson's (sometimes called
Cryoprotectant Protocols for Storage of Free-Floating Brain Sections
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The following protocols are used for long term storage of
Clearing (Differentiation) Reagent for H&E Staining
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1% Acid Alcohol Solution:       Hydrochloric acid ---------------- 10 ml
Preparing a Cell Block from Cell Lines or Cell Suspensions
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Dr. Giorgio GattorettiAssociate Professor of Clinical PathologyInstitute for Cancer Genetics,
Bluing Reagents for H&E Staining
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Scotts Tap Water Substitute Scotts Tap Water Substitute is a bluing
Making and Using Aqueous Mounting Media
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Why buy a pre-mixed medium when it's cheap and easy
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